Believe me. There's nothing more fun and exciting than rock and roll, and anyone that knows me personally knows how much I desire for my art to speak for itself; for the words and melodies to move people to become better, greater; to communicate how each of us struggle with being human every single day; without social constructs that try to separate us by skin color, sexuality, religion, political party, etc. I've been forced to recognize that my music is incabale of having an uplifting effect without making myself vulnerable; that I must draw attention to the meaning and intent of a song along with its release. I cannot sit idly by with fingers crossed hoping that the spirit of the song will reach you and other listeners without some context.
The mailing list is that context. It identifies how YellowTieGuy music more than just a good time; it is about personal and social responsibility, family, community, a love for others, and the ability to be moved by the kindness of strangers. I'll take the time to personally tell you about what the music means to me and what I hope it will mean to you.