YTG on 98 Rock Baltimore

YTG on 98 Rock Baltimore

Tune in to 97.9 FM if you’re in the Baltimore, MD area or tune in online at to hear YTG’s interview with 98 Rock’s Matt Davis, host of the Noise in the basement show. The program starts at 8pm. Catch Yellowtieguy at the Ottobar in...
YTG @ Bean and Leaf in New London, CT

YTG @ Bean and Leaf in New London, CT

Yellowtieguy songwriter Daniel Warren Hill perform solo acoustic in his natural habitat…The Coffeehouse…in his home state. Born in Connecticut, and adopted by the Baltimore/Washington DC area, this is Daniel’s first time performing his own material...
YTG on WMFO 91.5 Tufts Radio

YTG on WMFO 91.5 Tufts Radio

Four…count em….Four Dans in one room: Daniel Warren Hill of YTG, Dan Inzana of Melt, Daniel Ouellette, and The Lounge host Danny Martignetti will overwhelm co-host DJ Chris and bring him to his knees! Tune into 91.5 if you’re in the Medford, MA area...